I never knew paying attention in Enlish class (Home Language) would actually help me broaden my vocabulary!
English class used to be very boring for me, even when I was still second additional language, but that was just because second language English classes never do any work... So I changed to Home Language at the start of 10th grade (January) and realized; what did I get myself into?!
First off, English Home students ALWAYS get homework which -if you start in class- still last you another hour or more at home (if you work like me and do it all at the very last minute). Sure we get 2 or 3 days to complete the homework, but while you have assignments and language papers to write and do, it's not a walk in the park. I get more English homework than any of my other classes combined! *shocked* even though it's not that much, it wastes 2-3 hours of my writing time a day (sometimes).
Back to subject- Paying attention in English class helps a lot! *shocked again*
In one day, just by listening to the teacher while she was talking in front of the class, I learned 7 new words... not much, I know, but it's 7 new words!!!
1. Officious- Giving unwanted advice or instructions... I didn't know that! :O
2. I didn't know there was a difference between ingenious and ingenuous (untill yesterday, I didn't even know ingenuous existed...)
3. Servil- adjective (still not sure about meaning, but you use it like following; she paid no attention to the servil flattery)
4. Fawning- To win someone's heart through flattery... didn't know that!! :O
5. Elicit- To bring or cause to come out (like the truth)...
6. Illicit- Not legal and not permitted...
7. Emancipated- Being freed from restraint or captivity... *may be using this in novel*
Anyway, that adds to my collection of vocabulary (it's not a big collection, but I'm working on it).
Dictionaries are cool B) and the synonym option in Word rocks too!
May your vocabulary grow each day! A new word a day = 365 new ones in a year, that's a lot!
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