I have been sitting in front of my computer since 10:00 (am)... it's 15:00 (3 pm) already and I've only written 700 words today.
Sure I've taken a lot of breaks and every now and then find myself at the Absolute Write Forums again, but I want to continue writing- problem is: I can't start.
(Though this post is more to get you writing if you haven't done it in a while or if you're working on a new project but can't seem to start it- or get stuck during your current WIP)
So I made this little motivational "rhyme"-thingy which could possibly work if you want to write about something but have no clue how to start.
W- onder - what do you want to write about? What will happen? Wonder a bit...
R- esearch - important so you don't write yourself into a corner and have a nice steady plot.
I- nitiate - just start, it doesn't matter what you
write, you can always change it later on.
T- ime - set a time each day- not a specific time, but an hour or so a day keeps avoidance away
E- nd - don't read through it again a lot and fix all the errors, get if finished
R- evise - fix the errors and polish it all up!
I hope this helps you in your search of becoming a
better WRITER (as spelled in the rhyme :D )
This "rhyme" is not subject to copywrite, feel free to use it whenever- sell it if you want to, or just share it with fellow writers.
I'll be working on I for now... just start- you'll be glad you did.
For more motivational hints and tips, visit How To Motivate Yourself To Write
Ooo! That is a really cool rhyme!
Thanks xD
LOL Static that's awesome. /E/nd - a good point. :)
I need to Initiate Revising... can't say it's working out too well.
i have an issue with E. I always get stuck there and never continue!
Shazbok- That's where you have to start with /I/ again. Sometimes - I think - the "rules" of WRITER will repeat itself... :)
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