Welcome To My Void!

Unlike any other void, mine isn't exactly empty... Thanks for visiting, I hope you have a great time!

Feel free to look around and CONTACT ME ABOUT ANYTHING AT:

Also see my WEBSITE

Monday, August 31, 2009

Monday Mourning!

So I decided (at this very moment) to start my very own- Monday Mourning!

My posts are intended to be published in the morning, but since school starts again on Monday's I'll have to do it in the afternoon- which is exactly what Monday Mourning is all about!

Each monday I'll post about what went wrong over the weekend and the rest of the week, nothing good- so I'll be mourning... and be a real grump about all the bad things. You're allowed to do the same in the comment boxes, so feel free to mourn as much as you want and press the "post comment" button when you've finaly recovered from having to deal with all the bad things of Monday mornings (and other days) again.

And so my Mourning spree begins- well first off, it's MONDAY, time for SCHOOL, which SUCKS by the way... but I think you all agree. I have a gigantic pile of homework which nudges me every so often to complete it. I have not written anything since yesterday this time (+ - 5 pm). My bestfriend's a bitch- no literally, it's my doberman: Sasha (the others are really annoying- but only sometimes)

My cell phone charger broke, I use two rubber bands to keep the charger connecting AND my English teacher gave me only 76% for an assignment which should have easilly scored at least 80-85% !!! She gave the one kid 85% when his mark was (the real one) actually 83.7... doesn't make sense right? You know why? My English teacher HATES the number 84 for some reason... so she gave him 85! How does that work? AND my computer is completely @#&$ed-up...

Important: Notice how I didn't mention I reached 10k yesterday and how I didn't mention I may be getting a new bike for my 16th birthday? (parents are selling my sister's car, because she's not paying her debts... at least I may be getting a bike, though I do feel sorry for her...). So only bad things are allowed!

The following posts will include my very original (some) and very interesting (all) Teaser Teusdays, Wonderful Wednesdays, Theatrical Thursdays, Funny Fridays, Saterday Servings, Saccading Sundays!!!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Motivate Yourself

I have been sitting in front of my computer since 10:00 (am)... it's 15:00 (3 pm) already and I've only written 700 words today.

Sure I've taken a lot of breaks and every now and then find myself at the Absolute Write Forums again, but I want to continue writing- problem is: I can't start.

(Though this post is more to get you writing if you haven't done it in a while or if you're working on a new project but can't seem to start it- or get stuck during your current WIP)

So I made this little motivational "rhyme"-thingy which could possibly work if you want to write about something but have no clue how to start.

W- onder - what do you want to write about? What will happen? Wonder a bit...
R- esearch - important so you don't write yourself into a corner and have a nice steady plot.
I- nitiate - just start, it doesn't matter what you
write, you can always change it later on.
T- ime - set a time each day- not a specific time, but an hour or so a day keeps avoidance away
E- nd - don't read through it again a lot and fix all the errors, get if finished
R- evise - fix the errors and polish it all up!

I hope this helps you in your search of becoming a
better WRITER (as spelled in the rhyme :D )

This "rhyme" is not subject to copywrite, feel free to use it whenever- sell it if you want to, or just share it with fellow writers.

I'll be working on I for now... just start- you'll be glad you did.

For more motivational hints and tips, visit How To Motivate Yourself To Write

Friday, August 28, 2009

Paying attention to- Vocabulary

I never knew paying attention in Enlish class (Home Language) would actually help me broaden my vocabulary!

English class used to be very boring for me, even when I was still second additional language, but that was just because second language English classes never do any work... So I changed to Home Language at the start of 10th grade (January) and realized; what did I get myself into?!

First off, English Home students ALWAYS get homework which -if you start in class- still last you another hour or more at home (if you work like me and do it all at the very last minute). Sure we get 2 or 3 days to complete the homework, but while you have assignments and language papers to write and do, it's not a walk in the park. I get more English homework than any of my other classes combined! *shocked* even though it's not that much, it wastes 2-3 hours of my writing time a day (sometimes).

Back to subject- Paying attention in English class helps a lot! *shocked again*

In one day, just by listening to the teacher while she was talking in front of the class, I learned 7 new words... not much, I know, but it's 7 new words!!!

1. Officious- Giving unwanted advice or instructions... I didn't know that! :O
2. I didn't know there was a difference between ingenious and ingenuous (untill yesterday, I didn't even know ingenuous existed...)
3. Servil- adjective (still not sure about meaning, but you use it like following; she paid no attention to the servil flattery)
4. Fawning- To win someone's heart through flattery... didn't know that!! :O
5. Elicit- To bring or cause to come out (like the truth)...
6. Illicit- Not legal and not permitted...
7. Emancipated- Being freed from restraint or captivity... *may be using this in novel*

Anyway, that adds to my collection of vocabulary (it's not a big collection, but I'm working on it).

Dictionaries are cool B) and the synonym option in Word rocks too!

May your vocabulary grow each day! A new word a day = 365 new ones in a year, that's a lot!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Creating Plots

I wish I had a credit card so I could purchase Holly Lisle's: Create a Plot Clinic!

But I guess I'll have to search for it in stores...


I did manage to find:

Holly Lisle's Professional Plot Outline

It's a PDF file which you can download or view for free and it helps you think up a plot in a jiffy! It helped me completely plot out TORMENTOR- yes, I was a bit stuck... remind me to never start writing before plotting the entire thing thoroughly...

Anwyway, I just wanted to present you my new best -plot creating- friend, the mini-course!

Feel free to visit Holly Lisle's website where you can find all sorts of workshops and courses!

She really helps me a lot :)

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

School, writing and life.

School's getting me down... I have too much work, I hardly get time to write! I wrote 700 words today, that's all I had time for... Two assignments to hand in Friday (one about my future career (hopefully Engineering, but I want to WRITE!!!) and the other about nuclear power plants...)

I'm not looking forward to these two assignments, but the sooner I get them done, the better.

As far as writing goes: "I wrote 700 words today, that's all I had time for..."

Though it's going okay I guess, the story seems interesting (to me at least) and is still very rough, I haven't spent any time fixing errors- I want to finish it, then polish. (I don't want to write, polish, write, polish, write, polish over and over again. I'd rather do it all once- or twice, it depends)
Standing at 2683 words at the moment (and like in my previous post, I'll be writing right after I submit this one.)

Life... hmm... I think I had one of those when I was 10 or 11. Not much to say there except that a bunch of friends and I are going to one of my friends's farms in December to have some fun... aka: Barbacues, dirtbike riding, building a scrap metal dune buggy (yes, at 16 we're capable of doing that under adult supervision, and my friend's dad designs mechanical things like go carts and stuff all the time and he'll be helping.)

That's about it... I just realized.. this is kind of boring- the post... but I'll submit it anyway :)

See you around- hopefully

Monday, August 24, 2009

First official blog post!

Hi, I'm Static Void and this is my blog!

I created this blog for many reasons; one of them is to be able to write about my writing and sharing my experiences with the world (or just you, that's more than satisfying).

Yesterday I completed the plotting and planning of my current work in progress. I happed to come across the idea while playing an online browser game- I was really bored!
Since I haven't written anything since I was twelve (I'll be sixteen in September 2009) I thought I would do thorough planning before I started. I did some research on the internet and found a very handy website by a very successful novelist: Holly Lisle - Visit her website at for great workshops like character creation, world building and a lot more.

I've now been writing a short while and have just over 1400 words at this very moment; after this post I'll continue writing.

My current work in progress is a Young Adult novel, named: Tormentor. It's about Avid Jestyre, a boy who, when he dreams, switches to a completely new world almost like the medieval era; only this world has magic and sorcerers among the normal knights and worriers. Though this is all I'll be letting out for now.

Thank you for reading my post; I hope you'll be reading a lot more :)