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Monday, October 19, 2009


I'm extremely sorry for not posting in over 18 days... it's been real hectic... and if not posting is bad enough, I haven't written anything in a week- until now!

I am glad to announce that I have reached 12 000 words! Chapter 6 is basically done AND I got a SNI (Shiny New Idea) the other day, which changed today and which is just an idea still- I want to finish TORMENTOR, first!

I'm also starting a new blog for: Ghost Hunting, a guide for teens to start this hobby.

You can find this blog at: Ghost Hunting: a guide for teens

Back to the writing topic: I might start writing my new SNI as I go on my real ghost hunt sometime soon :D

What better way to know the feelings and fears of a ghost hunter when I'm doing it myself??? *prepares to die*

Anyway, I won't take this long to post EVER again.. hopefully

See you guys tomorrow night for a Teaser Tuesday!

Just for fun, could everyone reading this please post a comment? Even just to say hi? I want to make sure my comments are working fine (I had errors posting and commenting from another computer I was using). Thanks



Amna said...

*Scowls at static for not posting*

*Reads apology*


You are forgiven and ghost hunting! That sounds awesome (and totally scary!)

Emilia Plater said...

Don't apologize! It's unnecessary. haha. Ghost hunting sounds craazyy (in a good way)... are you gonna get your own reality show? :D

Static Void said...

Haha, that'd be cool :D

But no, not yet :)

I know aye? Ghost Hunting, my 2nd best hobby (after writing of course!)

I sure do hope my school will allow us to investigate it.. and then my church.. and then the cemetery *evil laugh*

Amna said...

*Hides under duvet*

CJ Paris said...

Thanks for the compliment. I still have a ways to go with getting better at first. :D

Ghost hunting guide? Nice, will be watching the blog!